
How Do Surgeons Correct the Shape of the Nose?

How do doctors correct the different nose shapes? The surgery is typically completed under general anesthesia. The OR staff lays the patient so that their head is at the highest point and the feet the lowest. This is to reduce bleeding. In addition, doctors inject anesthetic and vasoconstrictive substances into the patient’s nose. These substances relieve pain after surgery and reduce heavy bleeding. In most cases, doctors also put swabs inside the person’s nostrils, which are soaked with decongestants. Operation of a nasal bump The surgical technique chosen depends on which aspect of the nose needs to be changed. Because of a "humped nose," patients want to look for the doctors that most often perform these surgeries. Here, the bridge of the nose is bent outward in the profile (convex). The doctors correct a "true hump" by removing excess cartilage and bone. For this type of nose surgery, they use osteotomes (bone knives), scalpels, among other things. ...